
Patient portal

This patient portal facilitates better, more secure communication with your physician's office by providing convenient 24/7 access from the comfort and privacy of your own home or office.


This patient portal facilitates better, more secure communication with your physician's office by providing convenient 24/7 access from the comfort and privacy of your own home or office.

Patient Experience

This patient portal facilitates better, more secure communication with your physician's office by providing convenient 24/7 access from the comfort and privacy of your own home or office.

Make an Appointment

This patient portal facilitates better, more secure communication with your physician's office by providing convenient 24/7 access from the comfort and privacy of your own home or office.

CPAP/BiPAP Supply Refill

DME refill request are currently for HPN established patients only. If you are currently not an established HPN patient, please call 808-261-4476 to schedule an appointment with our sleep specialist. Mahalo

CPAP/BiPAP Supply Refill

DME refill request are currently for HPN established patients only. If you are currently not an established HPN patient, please call 808-261-4476 to schedule an appointment with our sleep specialist. Mahalo

Brain Research Innovation & Translation Labs

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries,

Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience (HPN) robust clinical and academic clinical and translational research programs is on the forefront of working with some of the top agencies in the world including NIH, biomedical organizations to better understand and develop innovative treatments for some of the most challenging neurological diseases of our times.

We believe Hawaii can play an important role in reducing the disparity in minority participation & engagement in clinical trials or research especially for minority groups as defined by NIH National Institute on Minority Health & Health Disparities (NIMHD) –

  • Asian Americans (7% of US & over 40% of Hawaii’s population)
  • Native Hawaiians and Pacific islanders (10% of Hawaii’s population)
  • Underserved rural population (94% Hawaii’s landmass)
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Clinical Research Center (CRC)

Our Clinical Research Research (CRC) is fully staffed with full time investigators and credentialed, experienced, and qualified research raters and staff. The CRC is a highly sought after site and has a national reputation for successful completion and recruitment including rapid site start up.  The CRC has successfully completed over 100 phase 0, I, II, III and IV clinical trials in various neurological conditions.  

Brain Research, Innovation and Translation Lab (BRITL)

The Brain Research, Innovation and Translation Labs (BRITL) fosters collaboration, bench to bedside translation between departments, centers, institutions, and outside organizations. Our faculty also mentors aspiring residents, medical students & select graduate and undergraduate students in their work and labs under the  “BRITL Neuroscience Scholar Program” each year.  They work in groups and at times, will involve undergraduate students during the Hawaii Neuroscience Summer Internship Program (SIP).

Center for Neuroscience Diversity

According to NIH NIMHD (National Institute on Minority Health & Health Disparities), one of America’s greatest challenges is reducing the profound disparity in health status of its racial and ethnic minority, rural, low-income, and other underserved populations.

Hawaii is one of the most diverse US states and one of 6 states with majority minority population and home to several NIMHD designated US health disparity populations.   Our team focus on promoting and collecting data on Hawaii’s diverse population to enhance scientific knowledge and designing interventions to improve health outcomes by improving health care access, reduce health disparities especially for minorities like Asians, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific islanders and underserved and underrepresented groups.

Meet Our

Research faculty and Investogators

Kore Kai Liow, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.A.N.

Neuroscience Chair

Director, Memory Disorders Center, Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, Neuro COVID Clinic, Center for Neuromodulation, Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience
Principal Investigator, Clinical Research Center, BRITL (Brain Research, Innovation & Translation Labs) BCI (Brain Computer Interface) & Brain Mapping Lab
Clinical Professor of Medicine (Neurology), Graduate Faculty, Clinical & Translational Research, University of Hawai`i John A. Burns School of Medicine

Nicholas Anderson, MD

Sleep Medicine

Director, Sleep and Insomnia Center
Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine,
University of Hawai`i John Burns School of Medicine

Darren DuGas, M.D.


Director, Video-EEG Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU)
Co-Director, Comprehensive Epilepsy Center
Sub- Investigator, Epilepsy Research Unit

Natalia Gonzalez Caldito, M.D.


Director, MS & Neuroimmunology Center
Director, ALS & Neuromuscular Center & IV Infusion Center
Sub investigator, MS & Neuroimmunology & Neuromuscular Research Unit

Eonjung Angeline Kim, M.D.


Director, Headache & Facial Pain Center
Sub- Investigator, Headache Research Unit

Janette Abramowitz, M.D.


Research Faculty, Brain Mapping Lab, Brain Research, Innovation & Translation Labs
Residency: Combined Neurology & Psychiatry University of Massachusetts Medical School Medical School: University of Massachusetts Medical School

Alexander Takayesu, M.D., M.P.H.


Perinatal Psychiatry, Post Partum Depression
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Hawaii John A Burns School of Medicine
SubInvestigator, Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience

Paul Smith, M.D.

Lifestyle Medicine

Director, Self Care & Wellness Center
Sub-investigator, Clinical Research Center
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine (Neurology), University of Hawai`i John A. Burns School of Medicine

Chris Larrinaga, APRN-BC, MSN, CNRN

Neurology, Neuroscience

Sleep Medicine
Sub-Investigator, Clinical Research Center

Nicole Evans, PA-C

Neurology, Neuroscience

Sub-Investigator, Clinical Research Center

Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience is recognized nationally for our work in neuroscience conducted at the Clinical Research Center (link) and BRITL (Brain Research, Innovation & Translation Labs).  HPN’s robust clinical and academic research programs fosters a culture of innovation and collaboration.  Physicians and scientists work closely within and across centers, institutes and schools to collaborate whether they are basic laboratory based scientists, bio statisticians or clinicians to encourage cross disciplinary translation bench to bedside research.

Our doctors and researchers strive to bring the latest and most innovative research developments and clinical therapeutic trials to patients in Hawaii with neurological problems so they do not have to travel to far away places to seek these ground breaking research treatment options.  Every year, over 50 active research projects are underway at our Clinical Research Center or BRITL conducted by world class physicians, scientists, fellows, residents, medical, graduate and other students with the goal to improve patient care in Hawaii.  HPN patients benefit from not just the latest treatment modalities at the various neuroscience centers of excellence but also clinicians and researchers working together to bring advance innovations and novel therapeutic options to them.

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