Clinical Trials

MISSION of clinical trials conducted at Clinical Research Center in Hawaii is:

Our HOPE is that it can meet an unmet need for

Research Therapies are FREE to qualified patients and some may also offer FREE neighbor island travel ALL patients continue to follow up with their primary neurologists & primary care physicians while in trial

Conditions Indications Study Name Treatment/MOA NIH Website Who Qualifies
Alzheimer’s Memory MCI, Mild AD
Brainshuttle ADIV RO7126209 (Trontinemab)More info to comeMMSE > 22
Alzheimer’s MemoryMCI, Mild ADASCENTSQ PRX012 – Next Generation Anti Amyloid
(Must be willing to travel to partner Amyloid PET facility in LA)
Ascent Trial Info MMSE >18
Alzheimer’s Memory
MCI, Mild Mod ADPRESENCEPO LY3154207(Mevidalen) D1 Receptors
FIRST Hawaii Alzheimer's Trial Eligibility Verified with only Plasma P-Tau levels. No PET or CSF required!
NCT06538116 MMSE 13-24
Alzheimer’s Memory
MCI, Mild Mod ADPO CVL-231 (Emraclidine) M4 ReceptorsNCT05644977 MMSE 8-26
Alzheimer’s MemoryAD, AgitationPO NMRA-323511 V1a RceptorNCT06546995 MMSE 5-24
Parkinson’s Early PD LUMA PO BIIB1222 - LRRK2 - DMT NCT05348785 PD within 2 years
Parkinson’sPD with Motor FlucationsPO Lu AF28996 – D1 D2 AgonistNCT04291859 > 1.5 hr OFF
Epilepsy Focal SeizureRISE 2PO BHV-7000 VG Potassium channelNCT06132893 > 4 seizures/month
Epilepsy Focal SeizureX-TOLE2PO XEN1101 Novel Potassium channelNCT05614063 > 4 seizures/month
EpilepsyPrimary Generalized X-TOLE3PO XEN1101 Novel Potassium channelNCT05667142 3 PGTC in 8 weeks
Abortive Focal or GeneralizedSTARSInhaled EP0162 Staccato AlprazolamNCT05077904Seizures
MS Neuroimmunology RRMS IV ABP 692 (More information to come)
NeuromuscularCIDPIV HyQvia (More information to come)
NeuromuscularMyasthenia Gravis (Generalized) PO LNP023 (Iptacopan)NCT06517758MGFA Class II-IV
NeuromuscularSpasticityDIRECTIONIM Dysport Abobotulinumtoxin ANCT04936542 Spasticity > 3 mths
Pain MigrainePIONEERPO LAHV/LAHW/LasmiditanNCT04396236 Migraine > 6 mths
Rare Neuro DiseasesHuntington’s ChoreaDIMENSIONPO SAGE-718- NMDA PAMNCT05107128 CAG Mutation > 40U
Rare Neuro DiseasesDentatorubral-Pallidoluysian AtrophyCYPRESSIntrathecal ASO Therapy
Psychiatric NeuroPost Partum DépressionRECONNECTSQ RE 104NCT06342310 DSM5 PostPD

Kore Kai Liow, MD, FACP, FAAN

Principal Investigator, Clinical Research Center
Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience
Clinical Professor, Dept. of Medicine (Neurology),
Graduate Faculty, Clinical & Translational Research
University of Hawai`i John Burns School of Medicine

Meet Our

Multidisciplinary Team

Kore Kai Liow, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.A.N.

Neuroscience Chair

Director, Memory Disorders Center, Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, Neuro COVID Clinic, Center for Neuromodulation, Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience
Principal Investigator, Clinical Research Center, BRITL (Brain Research, Innovation & Translation Labs) BCI (Brain Computer Interface) & Brain Mapping Lab
Clinical Professor of Medicine (Neurology), Graduate Faculty, Clinical & Translational Research, University of Hawai`i John A. Burns School of Medicine

Nicholas Anderson, MD

Sleep Medicine

Director, Sleep and Insomnia Center
Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine,
University of Hawai`i John Burns School of Medicine

Darren DuGas, M.D.


Director, Video-EEG Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU)
Co-Director, Comprehensive Epilepsy Center
Sub- Investigator, Epilepsy Research Unit

Natalia Gonzalez Caldito, M.D.


Director, MS & Neuroimmunology Center
Director, ALS & Neuromuscular Center & IV Infusion Center
Sub investigator, MS & Neuroimmunology & Neuromuscular Research Unit

Eonjung Angeline Kim, M.D.


Director, Headache & Facial Pain Center
Sub- Investigator, Headache Research Unit

Janette Abramowitz, M.D.


Research Faculty, Brain Mapping Lab, Brain Research, Innovation & Translation Labs
Residency: Combined Neurology & Psychiatry University of Massachusetts Medical School Medical School: University of Massachusetts Medical School

Alexander Takayesu, M.D., M.P.H.


Périnatal Psychiatry, Post Partum Dépression
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Hawaii John A Burns School of Medicine
SubInvestigator, Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience

Paul Smith, M.D.

Lifestyle Medicine

Director, Self Care & Wellness Center
Sub-investigator, Clinical Research Center
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine (Neurology), University of Hawai`i John A. Burns School of Medicine

Chris Larrinaga, APRN-BC, MSN, CNRN

Neurology, Neuroscience

Sleep Medicine
Sub-Investigator, Clinical Research Center

Nicole Evans, PA-C

Neurology, Neuroscience

Sub-Investigator, Clinical Research Center


Neurology, Neuroscience

Memory Disorders
Sub-Investigator, Clinical Research Center

Qing X. Li PhD

Basic Science, Neuroscience

Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu

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