Hawaii Neuro COVID Clinic 1 of 20 US sites Selected by NIH for NeuroCOVID DataBank-Biobank

The NeuroCOVID project has been initiated at New York University Langone Health to create and maintain a national resource documenting and studying neurological complications of COVID-19 and is funded by the NINDS, NIH through the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program.

As of February 2022, Hawaii Neuro COVID Clinic is one of 20 sites among Harvard, Mayo, Duke, Emory, U Penn, Washington U selected by NIH/New York University along to serve as a participating site for the COVID-19 Neuro Databank-Biobank or NeuoCOVID Project.

COVID-19 Neuro Databank: The databank will collect information on adults, children with confirmed COVID-19 infection to assess neurological symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, headache, loss of smell & taste, pain, numbness, autonomic dysfunction and others. 

COVID-19 Neuro Biobank: The biobank will collect a wide variety of biosamples, including blood, plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, and tissue, from patients who have COVID-19 and experience neurological complications. 

Hawaii Neuro COVID Clinic Select site for NIH-NYU NeuroCOVID DataBank-Biobank

“Recent study shows that at least one-third of people who have COVID-19 continue to experience neurological symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, headache, decreased smell or taste, weakness, or pain.   To address and treat neurological complications resulting from patients recovering from COVID-19, Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience has launched a interdisciplinary Neuro COVID clinic specifically to address the needs of these COVID “long haulers” Kore Kai Liow, MD, Neurologist & Director, Hawaii Neuro COVID Clinic, Hawaii Site Principal Investigator, NIH-NYU NeuroCOVID Project., Clinical Professor of Medicine (Neurology), University of Hawaii John Burns School of Medicine.

As of February 2022, Hawaii Neuro COVID Clinic is one of 20 US sites selected by NIH to serve as a participating site for the COVID-19 Neuro Databank-Biobank or NeuoCOVID Project to maintain a national resource studying neurological complications of COVID-19, project funded by the NINDS, NIH.

The goal is to provide patients with comprehensive neurologic long term whole-person health care. Based on the findings during the visit, the clinic may recommend further testing with other specialists, physical, occupational, and cognitive therapists.  Patients visiting the clinic can expect a detailed neurologic history, physical & neurological examination which may include additional cognitive screenings, EEG, EMG and MRI brain.

Hawaii Neuro COVID Clinic Interdisciplinary Services

  • Neurologist – Specializes in concentration, attention, and cognitive symptoms
  • Neurologist – Specializes in headache, facial & neck pain
  • Neurorehabilitation – specializes in pain, muscle weakness­­­ and cognitive evaluation rehabilitation
  • Neurorehabilitation – specializes in rehabilitation to minimize on-going damage and restore neuro functions
  • Sleep specialist – specializes in evaluating “Covidsomnia”, restless leg, sleep disorders associated with COVID
  • Wellness Physician – board certified in lifestyle medicine specializing in brain health

Meet Our

COVID Clinic Interdisciplinary Specialists

Kore Kai Liow, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.A.N.

Neuroscience Chair

Director, Memory Disorders Center, Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, Neuro COVID Clinic, Center for Neuromodulation, Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience
Principal Investigator, Clinical Research Center, BRITL (Brain Research, Innovation & Translation Labs) BCI (Brain Computer Interface) & Brain Mapping Lab
Clinical Professor of Medicine (Neurology), Graduate Faculty, Clinical & Translational Research, University of Hawai`i John A. Burns School of Medicine

Nicholas Anderson, MD

Sleep Medicine

Director, Sleep and Insomnia Center
Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine,
University of Hawai`i John Burns School of Medicine

Darren DuGas, M.D.


Director, Video-EEG Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU)
Co-Director, Comprehensive Epilepsy Center
Sub- Investigator, Epilepsy Research Unit

Natalia Gonzalez Caldito, M.D.


Director, MS & Neuroimmunology Center
Director, ALS & Neuromuscular Center & IV Infusion Center
Sub investigator, MS & Neuroimmunology & Neuromuscular Research Unit

Eonjung Angeline Kim, M.D.


Director, Headache & Facial Pain Center
Sub- Investigator, Headache Research Unit

Janette Abramowitz, M.D.


Research Faculty, Brain Mapping Lab, Brain Research, Innovation & Translation Labs
Residency: Combined Neurology & Psychiatry University of Massachusetts Medical School Medical School: University of Massachusetts Medical School

Alexander Takayesu, M.D., M.P.H.


Perinatal Psychiatry, Post Partum Depression
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Hawaii John A Burns School of Medicine
SubInvestigator, Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience

Paul Smith, M.D.

Lifestyle Medicine

Director, Self Care & Wellness Center
Sub-investigator, Clinical Research Center
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine (Neurology), University of Hawai`i John A. Burns School of Medicine

Chris Larrinaga, APRN-BC, MSN, CNRN

Neurology, Neuroscience

Sleep Medicine
Sub-Investigator, Clinical Research Center

Nicole Evans, PA-C

Neurology, Neuroscience

Sub-Investigator, Clinical Research Center


Neurology, Neuroscience

Memory Disorders
Sub-Investigator, Clinical Research Center

Qing X. Li PhD

Basic Science, Neuroscience

Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu

Katy Tarrit, Ph.D.

Information and Computer Sciences, AI (Artificial Intelligence)
NeuroAI Research Lab/Alzheimer's Neural Network EEG (ANNE) Lab

Assistant Professor, Katy Tarrit, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Information and Computer Sciences
University of Hawai'i at Manoa

Our team is committed to reducing the disparity in health status of its racial and ethnic minority, rural, low-income, and other underserved populations.  We have therefore focused our efforts in caring for underserved, minority, diverse patient populations.  Click to review our commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and work undertaken by Center for Neuroscience Diversity especially for the Asian Americans and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Population (AANHPI). 

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